Video made by Mike de Koning.

My name is Christophe Jacobs A.K.A. PENCILKING. With my self-thaught skills of drawing as well as painting, I turn my passion for Hip-Hop into art.

“A living creature on a piece of paper”

As the youngest of 4 brothers, I was born and raised in Helmond, The Netherlands. Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve been creating. From drawing, painting, rhyming, to producing beats, I had an itch that only the creative process could scratch. During my high-school days, my love for drawing and painting got lost. Luckily, around 2017, while in medical school, it came back to me. I picked up the pencils and brushes and started drawing and painting subjects I love. When it comes to people, I like to create images of individuals that I regard highly. Because of my passion for Hip-Hop, this usually meant rappers.

Over the years, I slowly but surely made a lot of progress. As a result more and more people have become interested in purchasing my art or having their custom art made. I came to the realisation that art is more than just a hobby. In 2022 I decided to pursue a career in art next to my medical career. Thank you for being part of this.

At "Nationaal Fotomuseum" in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, with my drawing of Tupac